Monday, December 3, 2012

December is a D for Detox

December is one of my most beautiful month of the year. It is a closing end to a new beginning. It is when people get in the holidays' spirit, the love and the family reunion to embrace beautiful moments, memories, laughs and good food, not forgetting the gifts, the drinks and toasting for new better year to come.

D for Detox - I woke up this morning feeling the need to flush all of my past few months of stress, frustration and lack of energy to embark in my beloved experience of detox. Gather all the positivity, the love, the power of my body, mind and soul ending this year with its beautiful memories to be ready for new adventures hidden by the 2013.

Looking again through my detox class I took last October with Crudessence, reading through it and reminding myself of my marvelous experience throughout that month, I thought, now is the time, I will start with a Green Smoothie... I will mainly focus on liquids, between juicing and blending.

The main part of the detox is to eat more veggies, leafs and sprouts, of course giving it a sweet taste with what the nature offers us during this month with its fruits.

Adding more alkaline food to your diet, eating with love, preparing the meals with love and of course serving it with love is exactly what your body needs. This is the best way to balance the PH within, as stress is acidic, sadness is acidic, so are frustration, anger,  and hatred. Love is alkaline, happiness is alkaline, helping and supporting with love the people around you is alkaline, and it is what you need to surround yourself with to set sail in the beautiful experience of what I call LIFE.

What ever I will be serving myself during this month I will do my best to share it with you, from ideas to recipes, photos and mostly LOVE.

Stay tuned, follow me and let us all jump with the leap of faith into happiness, love and get the most out of passion for life.

Sincerely yours,

La Reina

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